17 March 2006

The Dust Collectors MySpace

The Dust Collectors have now got a my space account ... its been up and running for several days now... I was asked by Jerry to up load some of their tunes they are now online ...

Check it out... this is a temporary stop gap til they get their website up and running...


My News.............

I will be speaking at the Futures in Creative Industries Fair and Conference
between 11.05 - 1225 at the University of Derby. The whole event takes place on
Friday 31st March 8.30am - 5.30pm at the Keddleston Road Campus.

take a look

My workshop comes under the title of Routes into Photography... in workshop two

in brief 'basically what is it like starting out as an artist / photographer...' in the cold wide world...

The exhibition Visceral Place / part one is happening on 26 March 6.30pm (opening) - 8 April at Wax Bar - Nottingham.... with a slim chance the Dust Collectors might perform on the opening night... i'll keep you posted....

Just working on stuff .... to come out soon.... as a part two to the above show...

06 March 2006

A Visceral Place

This is a new exhibition of a disection of older works which will lead into a new series of photographs which I am currently working on.

Works included will be from Islands, Avenue, The Waiting Room and a varied selection from the Confluence commission....

The exhibition starts on Sunday 26 March with an opening night at 6.30pm and is up
until around 8 April. At the Wax Bar in Nottingham which is opposite the Broadway Cinema.

The Men Without Eyes film went very well.on Sunday at the Trigge
r event at Metro..
with great reactions to the event and turn out...
Jon Sansworth did a fantastic job in creating the film with The Dust Collectors...
I look forward to more... in which there will be...